MedTap Ai app creates an Integrated Healthcare Delivery System on your phone or any smart device. The App is free to members and paid for by the Healthcare delivery system.
Today MedTap Ai offers robust payor, provider, and patient-initiated data retrieval across 40+ leading EHR patient portals and more than 700,000 providers. Our healthcare APIs are highly secure, compatible with FHIR and other emerging health IT standards, and easy to integrate.
MedTap app allows you the ability to communicate on a “Real” time basis with all aspects of your health care needs including but not limited to the following:
your physician-current and past appointments with PCP and specialist
your medical records, past and present
your pharmacy records past and present
your insurance claims past and present
your X Rays past and present
All interactions within your healthcare environment.
And much more
MedTap Ai enterprise healthcare solutions enable healthcare providers, insurance companies, patients and those in the process to create a new level of patient data, transparency, and connectivity to obtain the insights that improve patient care, health and Wellness quality and overall enterprise performance.
MedTap app allows your provider to communicate with you and other providers to ensure your health care is coordinated. MedTap facilitates whole health analytics by helping providers aggregate their members data, assess population risk, identify gaps in care and keep their members aware of current treatment modalities available.
MedTap provides mobile monitoring for patients with chronic conditions such as diabetes another long-term health care needs. MedTap is HIPAA compliant, meeting all CMS standards.
MedTap Ai is innovative market disrupting technology. No competitor comes close to having this functionality. The MedTap Life app facilitates whole health analytics by helping providers aggregate their member data, assess population risk, identify gaps in care, stratify their patients based on identified risk/gaps, engage patients based on need, and close gaps in care and ultimately improve health care quality.
In today’s market there are 11 major problems: Patient Experience, Access to care daily, Telehealth, Readmission Rates, Mortality Rate, Safety of Care, connect ability Doctors & Patients 24/7 and Social Determinants, Real time access medical records, Access to primary care doctors and specialist, Mental Health, MedTap Life Solve this problem 100%